Behind the scenes with the 2011 Temple Shoot

Behind the scenes with the 2011 Temple Shoot. This is all of the footage I got, I had to put it on Youtube, because Flickr only allows for 90 seconds.

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Temple Shoot

Temple Shoot, originally uploaded by JBAT.

Bla bla bla blab

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Behind the Scenes Temple Shoot SMALL

Behind the Scenes Temple Shoot, originally uploaded by JBAT.

Just a Behind the Scenes of the shoot.

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Temple Shoot

Well, Bill and I hosted our third annual temple shoot. What a great turn out. 60 Models and Photographers.
Here is some of the shots I got, all the while running around helping folks.


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A woke up and what do I behold but a Great Horned Owl, in our tree. Since my son was mad at me last year, for scaring the Owl (tring to get him to look at me). I thought I would let him have first go. After he was done, I got my chance. Here is what I got.The Great Horned Owl

Posted in Photo


Welcome to JBAT Photography. I have also added a blog, so I have a place to put down my photography ramblings.

Posted in General